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biohaZ 05-18-2010 06:36 PM

i was wondering if i could get a script that bunny hops, shoots enemies, and prime grenades for me, thanks for the help

JackBauer 06-20-2010 09:45 PM

right guys I would appreciate if anybody came up with some commands I'm in need of.

Demoman script for the following stuff

mwheelup to switch between blue and yellow pipes.

mouse5 to detonate the yellow pipes.

Dr.Satan 06-22-2010 06:47 PM


//Quick Weapon - put in demoman.cfg
alias quick1 "slot4; wait; alias quickweapon quick2"
alias quick2 "slot5; wait; alias quickweapon quick1"
alias quickweapon quick1
bind mwheelup "quickweapon"

bind mouse5 +attack2

JackBauer 06-25-2010 08:00 AM

thanks mate. by the way, is that Dr Satan from house of 1000 corpses?

Dr.Satan 06-26-2010 02:13 AM

yeah, started using the name when I was like 12 I think

JackBauer 06-30-2010 06:49 PM

great movie and character!

Dr.Satan 07-01-2010 01:27 AM

for sure!

Hotspur 05-29-2011 01:06 AM

Mouse sensitivity script
Could you please make a script for me that allows me to reduce mouse sensitivity while I hold the shift key and restore when I let up?

NeonLight 05-29-2011 01:31 AM

What's your current mouse sensitivity then someone can do something

oaties 05-29-2011 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Hotspur (Post 484851)
Could you please make a script for me that allows me to reduce mouse sensitivity while I hold the shift key and restore when I let up?

Although this thread hasn't been updated for a year, im feeling nice so:


alias +sensitivitytoggle "sensitivity x"
alias -sensitivitytoggle "sensitivity y"
bind shift +sensitivitytoggle

x is what you want the sensitivity to lower to; y is your default sensitivity.

Hotspur 05-29-2011 01:46 AM

Thank you very kindly Oaties. That will do perfectly.

Raynian 05-29-2011 10:18 PM

There might be a problem with the nested " " commands. I know I couldn't get some scripts to work right when I needed to use lots of quotes.

9u-9u-9u 10-07-2012 06:45 PM

I'm looking for a script that will make a button (kp_ins) switch between mini shottie to pipe launcher and back again.

it sounds simple but I haven't found any on the forum or have got mine to work right. I just use bind slot2 but would like one that can switch between two specific weapons

the_cake 10-07-2012 07:40 PM

Put in demoman.cfg:

alias demoswitch1 "slot5; alias currentweapon slot5; alias demoswitch demoswitch2"
alias demoswitch2 "slot4; alias currentweapon slot4; alias demoswitch demoswitch1"

Put in autoexec.cfg:

alias demoswitch demoswitch1
bind KP_INS demoswitch

This will break if you put them in the wrong place.

The special nine's weird config friendly version!:

bind MWHEELDOWN "invprev; alias demoswitch demoswitch1"
bind MWHEELUP "invnext; alias demoswitch demoswitch1"
alias demoswitch demoswitch1

alias demoswitch1 "slot5; alias demoswitch demoswitch2"
alias demoswitch2 "slot2; alias demoswitch demoswitch1"
bind KP_INS demoswitch

9u-9u-9u 10-07-2012 08:46 PM

thanks to cake. dunno how he did it but we got it to work with some voodoo magic coding. with the second set of code it's improved because it switches to the grenade launcher no matter what weapon you have out so it's more predictable and better in a bind

Raynian 10-28-2012 01:25 AM

Dunno if this has been answered before, but is it possible to set +attack as the second command in a string without it fucking up?

I'm trying to set up a script like follows

bind mwheeldown "detpipes; wait; +attack"

So it will det any currently placed pipes, then immediately shoot one more pipe.

What works:
bind mwheeldown detpipes -- works as intended
bind mwheeldown +attack -- works if there's nothing before it

bind mwheeldown "detpipes; +attack;" -- does det pipes, then starts an infinite +attack command until I manually stop it with a -attack command.
bind mwheeldown "detpipes; +attack; -attack" -- obviously doesn't shoot as it has the start and stop attack commands at once
bind mwheeldown "detpipes; +attack; wait; -attack" -- same as if I took the wait command out, does nothing after detting pipes
bind mwheeldown "+attack; detpipes" -- Will det the pipes, but no +attack command (which is the opposite of what I'd expect - I thought it would attack but not det since you can't det shortly after setting a pipe -- still did the same with a wait command)

As far as I can see, there are a few problems --

+attack doesn't work if it's the first part of a string containing multiple commands (or, at least, for this)

If you put +attack as the second part of a string, it will act as though you typed it into console (continue attacking until -attack is given), instead of properly treating it as being bound to a button

Aliasing +attack didn't help either.

squeek. 10-28-2012 09:11 AM

Gotta play around with multiple waits. This seems to work for me:


bind "mwheeldown" "detpipes; wait; wait; +attack; wait; wait; wait; -attack"

zE 01-29-2013 10:01 PM

I need a bind to build a sentrygun, something like press A Builds a sentry gun, if im near it and press A again it dismantles , if im far from it and I press A destroys it.

I also need a bind to trow flag and say_team the location of it


squeek. 01-30-2013 12:59 AM


bind "z" "sentrygun; detdismantlesentry"
bind "c" "dropitems; say_team flag thrown at %l"

zE 01-30-2013 01:05 AM

Thank you squeek

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