View Full Version : (Request) Jump Pad Triggers

04-27-2010, 01:08 AM
Requested by zE. This code allows a trigger to act like a jump pad.

Names for the trigger can be:
jumppad (Jump to activate, anyone can use)
jumppad_nojump (Touch to activate, anyone can use)

jumppad_blue (Jump to activate, blue team only)
jumppad_red (Jump to activate, red team only)
jumppad_yellow (Jump to activate, yellow team only)
jumppad_green (Jump to activate, green team only)
jumppad_nojump_blue (Touch to activate, blue team only)
jumppad_nojump_red (Touch to activate, red team only)
jumppad_nojump_yellow (Touch to activate, yellow team only)
jumppad_nojump_green (Touch to activate, green team only)

-- base_trigger_jumppad
-- A trigger that emulates a jump pad

base_trigger_jumppad = trigger_ff_script:new({
teamonly = false,
team = Team.kUnassigned,
needtojump = true,
push_horizontal = 1024,
push_vertical = 512,
notouchtime = 1,
notouch = {}

function base_trigger_jumppad:allowed( trigger_entity )
if IsPlayer( trigger_entity ) then
local player = CastToPlayer( trigger_entity )
-- if jump needs to be pressed and it isn't, disallow
if self.needtojump and not player:IsInJump() then return false; end
-- if not able to touch, disallow
if self.notouch[player:GetId()] then return false; end
-- if team only and on the wrong team, disallow
if self.teamonly and player:GetTeamId() ~= self.team then return false; end
-- if haven't returned yet, allow
return true;
return false;

function base_trigger_jumppad:ontrigger( trigger_entity )
if IsPlayer( trigger_entity ) then
local player = CastToPlayer( trigger_entity )
-- get the direction the player is facing
local facingdirection = player:GetAbsFacing()
-- normalize just in case
-- calculate new velocity vector using the facing direction
local newvelocity = Vector( facingdirection.x * self.push_horizontal, facingdirection.y * self.push_horizontal, self.push_vertical )
-- really hacky way to do this, but make sure the length of the horiz of the new velocity is correct
-- the proper way to do it is to use the player's eyeangles right vector x Vector(0,0,1)
local newvelocityhoriz = Vector( newvelocity.x, newvelocity.y, 0 )
while newvelocityhoriz:Length() < self.push_horizontal do
newvelocityhoriz.x = newvelocityhoriz.x * 1.1
newvelocityhoriz.y = newvelocityhoriz.y * 1.1
newvelocity.x = newvelocityhoriz.x
newvelocity.y = newvelocityhoriz.y
-- set player's velocity
player:SetVelocity( newvelocity )
self:addnotouch(player:GetId(), self.notouchtime)

function base_trigger_jumppad:addnotouch(player_id, duration)
self.notouch[player_id] = duration
AddSchedule("jumppad"..entity:GetId().."notouch-" .. player_id, duration, self.removenotouch, self, player_id)

function base_trigger_jumppad.removenotouch(self, player_id)
self.notouch[player_id] = nil

-- standard definitions
jumppad = base_trigger_jumppad:new({})
jumppad_nojump = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ needtojump = false })

-- teamonly definitions
jumppad_blue = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ teamonly = true, team = Team.kBlue })
jumppad_red = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ teamonly = true, team = Team.kRed })
jumppad_green = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ teamonly = true, team = Team.kGreen })
jumppad_yellow = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ teamonly = true, team = Team.kYellow })

jumppad_nojump_blue = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ needtojump = false, teamonly = true, team = Team.kBlue })
jumppad_nojump_red = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ needtojump = false, teamonly = true, team = Team.kRed })
jumppad_nojump_green = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ needtojump = false, teamonly = true, team = Team.kGreen })
jumppad_nojump_yellow = base_trigger_jumppad:new({ needtojump = false, teamonly = true, team = Team.kYellow })

04-27-2010, 01:13 AM
Thks very much : ), the issue with regular push triggers is that they launch you only in one pre defined direction, while jumpads you can move in any direction, so ye this will help a lot in maping skill maps with push trigers.